

Teknome was created in 2012 by a spin-off from Génisys Groupe Conseil inc., the original designer of KameleonMD products and Lynx. The core team responsible for these products followed at Teknome and has remained unchanged since 2008.

Teknome is a multidisciplinary company and has skills in management systems, industrial computing and on-board electronics. Teknome's operations include design, development, programming, support and technical service.

About us

Teknome works in the field of logistics and industrial computing.

His specialization:

  • data collection at operational sites;
  • data transfer;
  • management;
  • analysis;
  • the presentation of the results so that they can be interpreted easily and quickly.


In terms of information transport, Teknome has great expertise in wireless technologies, both cellular and radio frequency. The company also has the skills to develop its own electronic circuits, which allows it to offer unique solutions at advantageous prices.

Moreover, its team of experts takes care of the development, carries out the commissioning and provides support as well as updates for all its products.

Teknome's goal is to provide the best possible service.
